Fountain of Grace Royal Chapel Launches 2021 PROMIFEST In Takoradi


Takoradi (W/R), Oct 06, GNA – A-Five-Day Prophetic Miracle Festival (PROMIFEST) of the Fountain Of Grace Royal Chapel has opened in Takoradi with a call on believers to avail themselves and be ready to experience divine evidence of the manifestations and interventions of God.

PROMIFEST 2021 which is on the theme, “EVIDENCE”, is being graced by Ministers of the Gospel and all other believers in the body of Christ under the auspices of the Founder of the Fountain Of Grace Royal Chapel, Apostle Ekow Ansah Aggrey.

Ministering the word to believers at the opening of the festival, a-Takoradi based Minister of the Gospel and Philanthropist, Prophet Nana Yaw Obeng proclaimed that God was still in the miracle business and would adduce believers with evidence of their testimonies.

He reminded believers that “when the anointing of divine evidence hit those who are rejected, they will become overtakers in life”.

Prophet Nana Yaw Obeng encouraged believers to exercise the greatest of faith in the word of God and wait patiently for their bountiful blessings.

Founder of the Fountain Of Grace Royal Chapel Apostle Aggrey said to the glory of the Most High God that PROMIFEST had really impacted people’s lives in unimaginable ways.

“Many have had their relationships with God grow, many have had breakthroughs and their hearts desires fulfilled, problems such as health issues that have defied solution have been solved by the power of God and above all, many have come to know God and have built a personal relationship with God”, the Apostle testified.

He said at the end of the week long programme, “We are trusting God that whatever burden and problems that people came to PROMIFEST with, will be dealt with and that everyone who came for the Programme will have a cause and a reason to celebrate”.

Apostle Aggrey reminded believers that their ultimate goal in life was to fear God and serve Him.

“I want to urge all and sundry that serving God is not a waste of time and it has great rewards. Let’s get close to God, trust and obey Him and then commit our ways before Him and He shall direct our paths”.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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